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Help on MedicalEducation.nl

All Internet users can create an account on Medischonderwijs.nl. With this account you can gain access to all Medical computer based training lessons that are open to Internet users. Accounts can only be used after activation. The email address you provide as login name has to be valid to do so. After login you can search for lessons with free text or click open a list of lessons, ordered by medical department or body part.

Approved logo ‘Approved’ logo indicates that this E-learning module has been reviewed by experts on medical content. This review is carried out according to a systematic method following (Dutch). The result of the review (in Dutch) is shown to the users of MedicalEducation.nl by clicking on the logo beside the E-learning module.

All your teaching activities are logged in your personal portfolio.

For your convenience you can change your registration details and password at any time, exept for your email address.

For further assistance look in the end-user manual.